Congratulations to Ticket Number 5887 held by Jeff from Michigan!
Thank you all for participating in ISEA's 2019 Tesla Model X Raffle! Even if you did not win, you contributed to an important cause: the future of renewable energy.
ISEA is committed to advocating for sound state policies to support the funding and growth of renewable energy. ISEA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and the state resource for renewable energy related policy developments, educational classes, events and access to local renewable energy businesses. ISEA also organizes grassroots advocacy and relays essential information to legislators concerning renewable energy.
Continue supporting renewable energy by becoming an ISEA member.
If you did not win the raffle this year, look out for the announcement of the 2020 Tesla Raffle! Don't miss this important announcement by following ISEA on facebook and twitter!
We cannot thank you enough for all your support to not only ISEA, but also the future of renewable energy.
Illinois Solar Energy Association